Sunday, December 16, 2007

New domain

I finally bought a new domain < a href="">
</a>. It was a good deal for Rs. 300/yr. Soon I will be pointing to So, Apologies for any inconvenience caused. (Although I am pretty sure I am the only one who reads my blog :-) )

Powered by ScribeFire.

UPDATE: Among the sites firewalled in our office, blogger happens to be one. I am pretty known in my office on finding loopholes in all such technical stuffs. I used scribefire, an ff addon to post to my blog. But somehow it doesn't work always, like this time. The post had some error and so I had to repost. Meanwhile devadutta posted a comment on the messed up post. To honor him I ain't deleting either of the posts.. :-)


Devadutta Ghat said...

You sure look happy... which perfectly explains why you have multiple posts about the same topic with similar content and minor formatting differences :)


PS: And I read your blog too.. and you have not been posting content off late :)

Abhijit Pai said...

1) Does ScribeFire not allow post edits ?

2) I suppose there's only an anon comment left, so you can delete the earlier post.

3) This post still isn't ok - The & lt; etc. appear literally.

4) Making your domain point to your blog shouldn't make your blog do down for any amount of time, as far as I can see.

Prabhu Infant said...

Scribefire never used to, but now allows post edits.
Yeah, that was why I was trying to repost. Hyper links somehow isn't working well while posting from scribefire.

The official Blogger page says that there is a possibility of the page going down.

Actually, I already tried doing it once. The page went down for like for a week and I restored the prior settings.