Thursday, May 01, 2008

I love being disorganized!

Life has become totally synthetic. I envy those who were born in the 15th century or so. They had their freedom for innovation. Had Einstein been born today, he would've been no greater than any one of us. Everything is too organized now. In fact our lives are damn organized now.

My life was rather radical. I have had my belief and my own justification for everything, which I thoroughly follow in spite of the thoughts the people have around me. An embarrassing fact about me is that at my workplace, I am proudly the engineer with the least marks.(Paradoxical) Proudly??? Yeah! You heard that right! Back in college I always believed in studying anything for the sake of good marks or a safe job is absolutely stupid and ridiculous. Understanding concepts, digging up on facts and believing in them was always my approach. Well, It cost me a lot a lot of embarrassment. But, hey! Who cares!

It's been more than 1.5 years since I have been thrown into the corporate life. I took a mental survey of individual performances and mapped them to their backgrounds. As expected, success rate of individuals are directly proportional to their attitude towards their eduction. I have seen guys who have scored astonishingly high marks in their education suffering in the corporate world. The problem with these guys is that they are so pre-designed and planned that they have no room for out of the box thinking. They have been brought up that way. In fact, set aside the corporate world, even our lives demand out of the box thinking.

Well, in my survey, there were a small group of guys, rather superhuman. They managed to be their at the top by shear quality. Hats off to them. Frankly, I respect such individual, although there are only a few.

I believe the biggest weakness is in the Indian system of education. The education system is absolutely job oriented. On the contrary, I am quite impressed with the American system of education. Their education is more of concept driven rather than a lustrous pay check.

A nation's most wealthy resource is it's people. And I believe India has a lot of it. :-) . It is high time we check up our educational system. . .


Anonymous said...


I do agree indian education system is irrelevant compare to Americans counterparts.

maroon-beret said...

absolutely right about ur einstein theory - the same thing happens in US - in a different front like they are so used to safety that even a small thing like a child jaywalking can make them paranoid .. so they donot know how to react during tsunamis and attacks - they do have state-of-art artificial tools but no fast reacting minds .. we did a great job during our tsunami, we got great minds but need a little chiselling may be ???

Prabhu Infant said...

I concur to that.

We saw that happen when the hurricane Katrina hit.

Justbeing-Sree said...

Just happen to bounce on your blog thru KP's :) Ur a very good observer of subtilities around. Hope you recognized me...If not, tickle ur brain :) Cheers

Prabhu Infant said...

Thank you! I appreciate that!

A Lil late. I realize who you are now. :-)