This is just about a fact that I had noticed. Last Sunday I was in Bangalore spending my weekend at home. Browsing through the channels I stumbled upon ABC News (ABC for Australian Broadcasting corporation and not its American counterpart). Following the headlines was the news in brief, The first was about an unrest in Afghanistan and the next was on India. Apparently more that 600 people had lost their lives in North India since last two weeks alone. Back in Chennai, I get to watch Indian news channels almost everyday in office during breakfasts and lunches. Ironically I never knew about such a tragedy in India all along. Although I do not want to point them out here, I am talking about India's top News channels. Its very disappointing that these channels focus on ridiculous News like Indian cricket team or some pathetic rape case. In the evening there would be long running programmes having a bunch of politicians in the middle and surrounding them a bunch of jobless people to ask foolish question, to make it all worse you could see a hyperactive host in the middle who basically does not let anyone talk other than herself. These Indian News channels are clearly commercially oriented, they prefer to focus on public inclinations and not the facts.
I am totally disappointed that I came to know something about my country through a foreign channel
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