Just chilling out in between our busy schedule. ILP was a great experience. More than the technical knowledge we attained, it was the professional grooming and communication that made the difference. I will really miss the days at Kolkata-ILP.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
ILP cafeteria
Just chilling out in between our busy schedule. ILP was a great experience. More than the technical knowledge we attained, it was the professional grooming and communication that made the difference. I will really miss the days at Kolkata-ILP.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Adieu ILP
TCS-ILP was absolutely the best days of my life. I went through all kind of emotions. The first few days of training were really difficult. It was quite difficult to get accustomed to the new place and cuisine. But then things gradually changed. Towards mid-semester we started enjoying a lot. Strong bonding had developed among the associates of TCS. Suddenly we all became professionals. Towards the end of ILP, it was real difficult to part with our friends. But then life is not that easy. We got to move on with life.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Life! The most enigmatic concepts in this universe! If someone says that he/she is unlucky, I would say that they make no sense at all. Being born to this earth itself is the most luckiest thing that can happen to one. Yet, the most difficult fact to apprehend is the loss of loved ones. The vitality of an individual's presense is felt only in his/hers absence.Indeed that is how important life is. Most of us fail to show the concern towards those who make a diference to us. Some people really make a diference to us. We need to respect that. Loved ones come and go but memories allways persist.
But some times we question the system. Is it right to take away loved ones from us without their consent? Is it right that people who don't deserve to be taken away are taken away. We even don't refrain to question our faith on our gods. Let us all hold on to our faith and beleif that whatever is done is for good.We need to remember all our life the people who have made a difference to us and look up to them with reverence.