I am in God's own country now. A very serene place. People here live a calm and contented life without bothering anyone else. Moreover nature is at its best now with rains and greenery all around, I shall blog all the images from kerala in the following posts. Well this post is concerned with the future, the future of mankind. I aint postulating anything nor am I auditioning for Nat Geo TV channel. Sitting all alone in this calm back country house gets me a lot of interesting thoughts, thought I shall blog them.
Where are we heading?
What is it gonna be after 1000yrs?
Is mankind destined to survive forever?
All these questions are quite intriguing but yet inexplicable!
Well! Developed and countries having a strong infrastructure have started their research to answer these questions. There are many postulates and beliefs. If one is a religious chauvinist then all of these questions will have already been answered to him (I ain't trying to say that the remaining people are atheists, all I am saying is that people who have let a window open to science and technology will have such interesting but unanswered questions in their minds).
Interesting isn't it! 1000yrs later! mankind! Technology!
Well! Here is my conjecture on this formidable question!
I believe humans are going to be destroyed in the future, or rather , humans don't have a future. That is how its been since the BigB(Not Amithabh Bachan,Big Bang). Look at the Dinosaurs, they ruled the earth for approximately 200million years. Yet they were destroyed by the so called KT-event (It has been speculated that an asteroid with the size of Mt.Everest collided with the Earth destroying almost all land dwelling animals, in which Dinosaur was one). Humans have hardly been for long on earth,1.8 million years.
So! As everybody doubt what will happen to HomoSapiens. Well! We will be destroyed! Destroyed by our own creations, Robots. Everybody must be thinking now "OH....Yess...a?,Thats some news". If humans create Robots why cant they control them, after all it is AI! There you are, the answer to that is the key-word.
Yes! That is were the future is heading. I really dont think someone will be capable of coding a digital mutation in the next 1000yrs. AI can be restricted but mutation can't. When mutation is aplicable to the digital machine, the Darwinian principles are applicable too. An absolute hidden fallacy! Since the formation of the unicellular organisms, the Darwinian laws have governed the evolution process, millions of species didn't make it, the best made it. Homo Sapien is fortunate to be one of them.
My point is nature knows best, who should live and who shouldn't. I believe humans are an incarnation of nature's ingenious plans. It is predestined for humans to design digital mutation. AI is already on its road to big time success, there are codes which take care of 100s of variables (in the sense variable conditions around and how to react to them without being commandeered). There will be a time when there are millions of variables taken into consideration. But it has to stop sometime or the other. It is quite infeasible to just multiply the number of parameters, the solution is mutation. When mutation is encoded the program will know to design new code and adapt to the varying parameters around it, with the most probabilistic and economic solution.
A program that cannot err!
A program that mutates!
A program that can communicate!
A program that is powerful!
A program that thinks, feels, have emotions!
What do we have? Undeniable source of power!
Most of you would think, even if they can mutate they can't think, but humans can. That makes humans superior. Yeah right!! What are humans at the grass root level. A highly efficient machine, highly synchronized by means of neurons and synapses. Thats it! Our feelings, thoughts everything is just the neurons doing their chores. Our body is highly efficient(again thanks to the refined evolution process). If you want an example, so be it. The tricuspid and bicuspid valves in our heart closes and opens with a loud noise(That is nothing but your heart beat) approximately 72 times a minute. You still live for 80 years. That is approximately 3027456000 times without fail(It better not). That is how efficient this body is. My point is, when the time comes when man is capable of designing such a high efficiency machine, sturdy and encoded with mutations it will have feelings and it will be stronger and that will make it invincible. Artificial intelligence is already implemented in machines. China and America have come up with quite a number of such robots. As much as I am aware of, there are only automatons that consider 100 parameters. Getting from 100 to 1000 aint a big deal.
Be a software engineer, code the destiny of mankind!
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